Field Notes
Observations and noticings from the Nugget/Rap Portraits journey.
I Fought The Rock (And The Rock Won)
Guns, kids couches, and election tampering in Hillsborough, North Carolina.
Full-Court Press
Reflecting on my 23-year-old ideas about press coverage, and other shiny objects.
Somethin’ that means somethin’
Thinking it through when a brand (or the people behind it) have something to say.
In Good Company: East Fork and New Belgium
A shoutout to two North Carolina businesses that inspire me.
It Doesn’t Have To Be Crazy at (WORK)
Slack’s big sale to Salesforce, and our continued creep towards the always-on workplace.
Good, Nuggety, Peoples.
We don’t know everything about hiring, but we do seem to know a great human when we see one.